
I am a PhD student in quantitative psychology based at the University of California, Davis (expected graduation: Spring 2022). Most of my work involves developing statistical methodology and computational tools for solving problems in the social-behavioral sciences.

I have authored 28 peer-reviewed articles (16 first-author), with topics including Gaussian graphical models (a.k.a., networks), multilevel models with heterogeneous variance components, meta-analysis, Bayesian inference, measurement reliability, predictive modeling, and regularization1. Further, I am an author of 11 R packages (7 first-author, see Software).

I am currently working on Bayesian location-scale meta-analysis and Bayesian Gaussian graphical models.

Citations: 1207 | h-index: 17 | i10-index: 22

Google Scholar

  1. The pre-print for each paper can be found in the Publications section.↩︎

Donald R. Williams


I am a PhD student in quantitative psychology based at the University of California, Davis (expected graduation: Spring 2022). Most of my work involves developing statistical methodology and computational tools for solving problems in the social-behavioral sciences.

I have authored 28 peer-reviewed articles (16 first-author), with topics including Gaussian graphical models (a.k.a., networks), multilevel models with heterogeneous variance components, meta-analysis, Bayesian inference, measurement reliability, predictive modeling, and regularization1. Further, I am an author of 11 R packages (7 first-author, see Software).

I am currently working on Bayesian location-scale meta-analysis and Bayesian Gaussian graphical models.

Citations: 1207 | h-index: 17 | i10-index: 22

Google Scholar

  1. The pre-print for each paper can be found in the Publications section.↩︎