A data frame containing 1002 rows and 7 variables measured on various scales, including binary and ordered cateogrical (with varying numbers of categories). There are also missing values in each variable
Income of the respondent in 1000s of dollars, binned into 21 ordered categories.DEG
Highest degree ever obtained (none, HS, Associates, Bachelors, or Graduate)CHILD
Number of children ever had.PINC
Financial status of respondent's parents when respondent was 16 (on a 5-point scale).PDEG
Maximum of mother's and father's highest degreePCHILD
Number of siblings of the respondent plus oneAGE
Age of the respondent in years.
A data frame containing 1190 observations (n = 1190) and 6 variables (p = 6) measured on the binary scale fowlkes1988evaluatingBGGM. The variable descriptions were copied from @section 4, @hoff2007extending;textualBGGM