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A data frame containing 1002 rows and 7 variables measured on various scales, including binary and ordered cateogrical (with varying numbers of categories). There are also missing values in each variable

  • Inc Income of the respondent in 1000s of dollars, binned into 21 ordered categories.

  • DEG Highest degree ever obtained (none, HS, Associates, Bachelors, or Graduate)

  • CHILD Number of children ever had.

  • PINC Financial status of respondent's parents when respondent was 16 (on a 5-point scale).

  • PDEG Maximum of mother's and father's highest degree

  • PCHILD Number of siblings of the respondent plus one

  • AGE Age of the respondent in years.




A data frame containing 1190 observations (n = 1190) and 6 variables (p = 6) measured on the binary scale fowlkes1988evaluatingBGGM. The variable descriptions were copied from @section 4, @hoff2007extending;textualBGGM


