A data frame containing 8 variables and nearly 200 observations. There are two subjects, each of which provided data every data for over 90 days. Six variables are from the PANAS scale (positive and negative affect), the daily number of steps, and the subject id.

  • id Subject id

  • interested

  • disinterested

  • excited

  • upset

  • strong

  • stressed

  • steps steps recorded by a fit bit



A data frame containing 197 observations and 8 variables. The data have been used in (O'Laughlin et al. 2020) and (Williams et al. 2019)


O'Laughlin KD, Liu S, Ferrer E (2020). “Use of Composites in Analysis of Individual Time Series: Implications for Person-Specific Dynamic Parameters.” Multivariate Behavioral Research, 1--18.

Williams DR, Liu S, Martin SR, Rast P (2019). “Bayesian Multivariate Mixed-Effects Location Scale Modeling of Longitudinal Relations among Affective Traits, States, and Physical Activity.” PsyArXiv.

