Plot the posterior hypothesis probabilities as a pie chart, with each slice corresponding the probability of a given hypothesis.

# S3 method for confirm
plot(x, ...)



An object of class confirm


Currently ignored.


A ggplot object.


# \donttest{ ##################################### ##### example 1: many relations ##### ##################################### # data Y <- bfi hypothesis <- c("g1_A1--A2 > g2_A1--A2 & g1_A1--A3 = g2_A1--A3; g1_A1--A2 = g2_A1--A2 & g1_A1--A3 = g2_A1--A3; g1_A1--A2 = g2_A1--A2 = g1_A1--A3 = g2_A1--A3") Ymale <- subset(Y, gender == 1, select = -c(education, gender))[,1:5] # females Yfemale <- subset(Y, gender == 2, select = -c(education, gender))[,1:5] test <- ggm_compare_confirm(Ymale, Yfemale, hypothesis = hypothesis, iter = 250, progress = FALSE)
#> Error in .Call("_BGGM_Theta_continuous", PACKAGE = "BGGM", Y = Y, iter = iter + 50, delta = delta, epsilon = 0.01, prior_only = 0, explore = 1, start = start, progress = progress): Incorrect number of arguments (8), expecting 10 for '_BGGM_Theta_continuous'
# plot plot(test)
#> Error in plot(test): object 'test' not found
# }