Compute nodewise predictability or Bayesian variance explained (R2 Gelman et al. 2019) . In the context of GGMs, this method was described in Williams (2018) .

  select = FALSE,
  cred = 0.95,
  BF_cut = 3,
  iter = NULL,
  progress = TRUE,



object of class estimate or explore


logical. Should the graph be selected ? The default is currently FALSE.


numeric. credible interval between 0 and 1 (default is 0.95) that is used for selecting the graph.


numeric. evidentiary threshold (default is 3).


interger. iterations (posterior samples) used for computing R2.


Logical. Should a progress bar be included (defaults to TRUE) ?


currently ignored.


An object of classes bayes_R2 and metric, including

  • scores A list containing the posterior samples of R2. The is one element

    for each node.


Binary and Ordinal Data:

R2 is computed from the latent data.

Mixed Data:

The mixed data approach is somewhat ad-hoc see for example p. 277 in Hoff (2007) . This is becaue uncertainty in the ranks is not incorporated, which means that variance explained is computed from the 'empirical' CDF.

Model Selection:

Currently the default to include all nodes in the model when computing R2. This can be changed (i.e., select = TRUE), which then sets those edges not detected to zero. This is accomplished by subsetting the correlation matrix according to each neighborhood of relations.


Gelman A, Goodrich B, Gabry J, Vehtari A (2019). “R-squared for Bayesian Regression Models.” American Statistician, 73(3), 307--309. ISSN 15372731, doi: 10.1080/00031305.2018.1549100 .

Hoff PD (2007). “Extending the rank likelihood for semiparametric copula estimation.” The Annals of Applied Statistics, 1(1), 265--283.

Williams DR (2018). “Bayesian Estimation for Gaussian Graphical Models: Structure Learning, Predictability, and Network Comparisons.” arXiv. doi: 10.31234/OSF.IO/X8DPR .


# \donttest{ # data Y <- ptsd[,1:5] fit <- estimate(Y, iter = 250, progress = FALSE) r2 <- predictability(fit, select = TRUE, iter = 250, progress = FALSE) # summary r2
#> BGGM: Bayesian Gaussian Graphical Models #> --- #> Metric: Bayes R2 #> Type: continuous #> --- #> Estimates: #> #> Node Post.mean Cred.ub #> B1 0.442 0.051 0.353 0.552 #> B2 0.493 0.047 0.406 0.584 #> B3 0.554 0.053 0.457 0.662 #> B4 0.497 0.049 0.408 0.586 #> B5 0.454 0.049 0.362 0.560
# }