Estimate VAR(1) models by efficiently sampling from the posterior distribution. This provides two graphical structures: (1) a network of undirected relations (the GGM, controlling for the lagged predictors) and (2) a network of directed relations (the lagged coefficients). Note that in the graphical modeling literature, this model is also known as a time series chain graphical model (Abegaz and Wit 2013) .
rho_sd = sqrt(1/3),
beta_sd = 1,
iter = 5000,
progress = TRUE,
seed = NULL,
- Y
Matrix (or data frame) of dimensions n (observations) by p (variables).
- rho_sd
Numeric. Scale of the prior distribution for the partial correlations, approximately the standard deviation of a beta distribution (defaults to sqrt(1/3) as this results to delta = 2, and a uniform distribution across the partial correlations).
- beta_sd
Numeric. Standard deviation of the prior distribution for the regression coefficients (defaults to 1). The prior is by default centered at zero and follows a normal distribution (Equation 9, Sinay and Hsu 2014)
- iter
Number of iterations (posterior samples; defaults to 5000).
- progress
Logical. Should a progress bar be included (defaults to
) ?- seed
An integer for the random seed (defaults to 1).
- ...
Currently ignored.
An object of class var_estimate
containing a lot of information that is
used for printing and plotting the results. For users of BGGM, the following are the
useful objects:
A matrix including the regression coefficients (posterior mean).pcor_mu
Partial correlation matrix (posterior mean).fit
A list including the posterior samples.
A Bayesian ridge regression can be fitted by decreasing beta_sd
(e.g., beta_sd = 0.25
). This could be advantageous for forecasting
(out-of-sample prediction) in particular.
Abegaz F, Wit E (2013).
“Sparse time series chain graphical models for reconstructing genetic networks.”
Biostatistics, 14(3), 586–599.
Sinay MS, Hsu JS (2014).
“Bayesian inference of a multivariate regression model.”
Journal of Probability and Statistics, 2014.
# \donttest{
# data
Y <- subset(ifit, id == 1)[,-1]
# use alias (var_estimate also works)
fit <- var_estimate(Y, progress = FALSE)
#> BGGM: Bayesian Gaussian Graphical Models
#> ---
#> Vector Autoregressive Model (VAR)
#> ---
#> Posterior Samples: 5000
#> Observations (n): 94
#> Nodes (p): 7
#> ---
#> Call:
#> var_estimate(Y = Y, progress = FALSE)
#> ---
#> Partial Correlations:
#> interested disinterested excited upset strong stressed steps
#> interested 0.000 -0.189 0.377 -0.208 0.326 0.286 0.077
#> disinterested -0.189 0.000 -0.179 -0.045 0.109 0.159 -0.087
#> excited 0.377 -0.179 0.000 -0.125 0.493 -0.176 -0.002
#> upset -0.208 -0.045 -0.125 0.000 0.111 0.362 -0.047
#> strong 0.326 0.109 0.493 0.111 0.000 -0.016 0.173
#> stressed 0.286 0.159 -0.176 0.362 -0.016 0.000 -0.014
#> steps 0.077 -0.087 -0.002 -0.047 0.173 -0.014 0.000
#> ---
#> Coefficients:
#> interested disinterested excited upset strong stressed steps
#> interested.l1 0.219 -0.012 0.176 -0.097 0.173 0.015 0.107
#> disinterested.l1 -0.052 -0.004 0.055 -0.021 0.051 0.088 -0.021
#> excited.l1 -0.081 -0.185 0.007 0.049 -0.080 0.086 0.101
#> upset.l1 -0.154 0.261 -0.096 0.431 0.055 0.320 -0.095
#> strong.l1 0.030 0.172 0.027 0.047 0.183 -0.067 -0.183
#> stressed.l1 -0.019 -0.010 -0.032 -0.043 -0.073 0.151 0.130
#> steps.l1 -0.155 0.181 -0.207 0.152 -0.091 0.206 0.041
#> ---
#> Date: Fri Dec 13 11:54:05 2024
# }