Summarize the posterior distribution of each partial correlation and regression coefficient with the posterior mean, standard deviation, and credible intervals.

# S3 method for var_estimate
summary(object, cred = 0.95, ...)



An object of class var_estimate


Numeric. The credible interval width for summarizing the posterior distributions (defaults to 0.95; must be between 0 and 1).


Currently ignored.


A dataframe containing the summarized posterior distributions, including both the partial correlations and the regression coefficients.

  • pcor_results A data frame including the summarized partial correlations

  • beta_results A list containing the summarized regression coefficients (one data frame for each outcome)

See also


# \donttest{ # data Y <- subset(ifit, id == 1)[,-1] # fit model with alias (var_estimate also works) fit <- var_estimate(Y, progress = FALSE) # summary ('pcor') print( summary(fit, cred = 0.95), param = "pcor", )
#> BGGM: Bayesian Gaussian Graphical Models #> --- #> Vector Autoregressive Model (VAR) #> --- #> Partial Correlations: #> #> Relation Post.mean Cred.ub #> interested--disinterested -0.186 0.098 -0.375 0.004 #> interested--excited 0.378 0.085 0.203 0.536 #> disinterested--excited -0.169 0.098 -0.367 0.022 #> interested--upset -0.196 0.104 -0.404 0.008 #> disinterested--upset -0.024 0.101 -0.225 0.169 #> excited--upset -0.134 0.108 -0.334 0.085 #> interested--strong 0.328 0.094 0.139 0.503 #> disinterested--strong 0.102 0.106 -0.102 0.303 #> excited--strong 0.493 0.077 0.333 0.631 #> upset--strong 0.113 0.105 -0.094 0.313 #> interested--stressed 0.275 0.097 0.083 0.455 #> disinterested--stressed 0.162 0.100 -0.038 0.349 #> excited--stressed -0.175 0.100 -0.366 0.015 #> upset--stressed 0.344 0.098 0.130 0.523 #> strong--stressed -0.013 0.100 -0.204 0.186 #> interested--steps 0.074 0.099 -0.118 0.267 #> disinterested--steps -0.079 0.105 -0.283 0.127 #> excited--steps -0.008 0.107 -0.224 0.203 #> upset--steps -0.038 0.105 -0.235 0.171 #> strong--steps 0.184 0.101 -0.016 0.381 #> stressed--steps -0.011 0.102 -0.216 0.187 #> --- #>
# summary ('beta') print( summary(fit, cred = 0.95), param = "beta", )
#> BGGM: Bayesian Gaussian Graphical Models #> --- #> Vector Autoregressive Model (VAR) #> --- #> Coefficients: #> #> interested #> #> Relation Post.mean Cred.ub #> interested.l1 0.220 0.181 -0.134 0.576 #> disinterested.l1 -0.050 0.121 -0.283 0.185 #> excited.l1 -0.084 0.198 -0.477 0.308 #> upset.l1 -0.153 0.128 -0.404 0.097 #> strong.l1 0.029 0.178 -0.327 0.382 #> stressed.l1 -0.020 0.119 -0.257 0.210 #> steps.l1 -0.153 0.114 -0.374 0.066 #> --- #> disinterested #> #> Relation Post.mean Cred.ub #> interested.l1 -0.013 0.178 -0.365 0.330 #> disinterested.l1 -0.004 0.121 -0.243 0.235 #> excited.l1 -0.184 0.197 -0.567 0.209 #> upset.l1 0.256 0.128 0.009 0.509 #> strong.l1 0.173 0.177 -0.164 0.525 #> stressed.l1 -0.009 0.120 -0.240 0.225 #> steps.l1 0.181 0.112 -0.038 0.400 #> --- #> excited #> #> Relation Post.mean Cred.ub #> interested.l1 0.176 0.186 -0.192 0.533 #> disinterested.l1 0.056 0.126 -0.199 0.307 #> excited.l1 -0.001 0.205 -0.413 0.398 #> upset.l1 -0.099 0.132 -0.352 0.161 #> strong.l1 0.030 0.183 -0.322 0.390 #> stressed.l1 -0.029 0.123 -0.273 0.209 #> steps.l1 -0.205 0.115 -0.424 0.019 #> --- #> upset #> #> Relation Post.mean Cred.ub #> interested.l1 -0.096 0.173 -0.428 0.245 #> disinterested.l1 -0.018 0.115 -0.247 0.207 #> excited.l1 0.055 0.189 -0.317 0.426 #> upset.l1 0.432 0.124 0.190 0.680 #> strong.l1 0.046 0.170 -0.291 0.374 #> stressed.l1 -0.044 0.117 -0.277 0.190 #> steps.l1 0.150 0.109 -0.065 0.365 #> --- #> strong #> #> Relation Post.mean Cred.ub #> interested.l1 0.171 0.187 -0.193 0.538 #> disinterested.l1 0.049 0.126 -0.206 0.299 #> excited.l1 -0.085 0.202 -0.478 0.316 #> upset.l1 0.054 0.132 -0.205 0.303 #> strong.l1 0.185 0.183 -0.177 0.544 #> stressed.l1 -0.073 0.122 -0.310 0.162 #> steps.l1 -0.089 0.116 -0.317 0.136 #> --- #> stressed #> #> Relation Post.mean Cred.ub #> interested.l1 0.015 0.173 -0.326 0.347 #> disinterested.l1 0.089 0.119 -0.137 0.325 #> excited.l1 0.085 0.188 -0.284 0.450 #> upset.l1 0.317 0.124 0.073 0.557 #> strong.l1 -0.065 0.169 -0.400 0.256 #> stressed.l1 0.150 0.114 -0.070 0.371 #> steps.l1 0.205 0.108 -0.008 0.415 #> --- #> steps #> #> Relation Post.mean Cred.ub #> interested.l1 0.106 0.184 -0.250 0.467 #> disinterested.l1 -0.023 0.125 -0.266 0.222 #> excited.l1 0.099 0.201 -0.299 0.489 #> upset.l1 -0.095 0.134 -0.356 0.163 #> strong.l1 -0.182 0.180 -0.536 0.179 #> stressed.l1 0.133 0.122 -0.100 0.374 #> steps.l1 0.039 0.117 -0.190 0.269 #> ---
# }